
The Geneseo Street Division is one of three divisions managed by the Director of Public Works. The Director of Public Works plans and oversees the work of the Street Division Foreman and other employees. One or two seasonal employees may be hired annually on an as-needed basis.

The division oversees and maintains Geneseo’s public streets, alleys, bridges, sidewalks, trees, storm water collection system and other drainage areas, traffic signs and street name signs. The division also picks up Christmas trees from residents, conducts snow removal operations in the winter, distributes and collects barricades as needed for public functions, displays and maintains American flags in the downtown area for holidays and a wide range of other tasks and services not so visible to the public.

Street DepartmentDivision employees are primarily responsible for the hands-on repair and maintenance of division vehicles, equipment and building facilities. The Street Division works closely with the Park and Cemetery Divisions on projects large and small in a cooperative effort to provide the best possible service to the citizens of Geneseo.



Forms & Information

Road Closure Form