
Geneseo’s Wastewater Department

At Geneseo Wastewater we strive to produce the cleanest water possible, to make our receiving streams safe as possible for the environment and it’s users.

Geneseo’s Wastewater Treatment Plant uses process trickling filters and solids contact in which to treat the waste. This is a biological process in which microorganisms remove the waste from the water by converting it into settable matter that can be removed more easily from the system. The plant is designed to handle an average of 1.5 million gallons per day and 4 million gallons per day during wet weather.



Construction of  Improvements to the City of Geneseo Waste Water Treatment Plant were financed by the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF). The SRF program is administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and receives a portion of its money to fund these types of projects from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This project includes the construction of a new headworks facility, improvements to the administration and control building to bring it up to code, convert the anaerobic digester to an aerobic digester, construction chemical disinfection facilities, and provide new electrical power feed, power distribution system, and instrumentation around the plant site.  Once complete, it will improve water quality for area residents and businesses in the City of Geneseo by improving the treatment capabilities of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. SRF programs operate in each state to provide communities the resources necessary to build, maintain, and improve the infrastructure that protects one of our most valuable resources: water.


Process Stages:

Stage 1

The flow entering the plant from the collection system is screened through an automatic bar rack located in the head-works where debris is removed before it can cause a problem for the pumping equipment. Then the flow passes through the grit removal chamber located near the control building where inorganic material such as sand and gravel are removed to prevent wear on equipment and take up wasted space in the system.

Stage 2

The flow is pumped up to the Primary Clarifiers where 75% of the solids are settled out and pumped into the digesters. Any floating material is skimmed off and added to the digesters as well.

Stage 3

The flow from the Primary Clarifiers is then gravity fed to the Rock Trickling Filter where a mass of microorganisms (Zooleal) convert part of the waste that is suspended in the water into settable matter. The flow then passes through the Plastic Trickling Filter where the same process occurs.

Stage 4

The flow from the trickling filters then enters the Solids Contact Tanks where a mass of microorganisms are concentrated. Air is added to the tanks to provide mixing and oxygen for a stable environment. Any remaining suspended waste is converted to a settable material.

Stage 5

From the Solids Contact Tanks the flow proceeds to the Final Clarifiers where the treated waste settles and is returned to the Contact Tanks or the Primary Clarifiers where it is removed from the system. The remaining water of approximately 98% purity is discharged via pumps into the Geneseo Creek or the Green River.

Stage 6

The solids that are removed from the system are pumped into the digesters where anaerobic bacteria breakdown the solids. After the solids are properly digested it can be either put on the Vacuum Assisted Beds and then spread on farmland or it can be pumped into the Sludge Hauler and injected into the farmland.