Quad City Metro Area Outdoor Warning Sirens
Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Quick Reference Guide for Activation and Testing
Sirens should be sounded for 3-5 minutes, resounding for the duration of the threat. (every 10-15 minutes is recommended)
Severe Weather
- Tornado Warning issued by the National Weather Service and/or
- Tornado or funnel cloud reported by a trained spotter
Severe Thunderstorms
Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued by the National Weather Service or report received from a trained spotter that includes:
- wind 70 mph or greater, and/or
- golf ball sized hail or larger
Local Life-threatening Events
Non-weather emergencies (hazmat incident, terrorism, nuclear emergency, etc.) that pose a threat to those outdoors and require action to protect life, should be alerted via the outdoor warning sirens by local officials based on existing agreements or local discretion depending on the emergency.
All Clear
There will be no “all clear” signal from outdoor warning sirens.
The first Tuesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. If a severe weather watch or warning is in effect for the Quad City metro area prior to 10 a.m. on a scheduled test day, the sirens should not be tested that day. Outdoor warning siren tests will resume on the next scheduled weekly date.